Archive for Nepal

Single, Female and Trekking

First published Sept 19, 2005 at

Nepal —Trekking is something one has to do with a group. Unless one has really mastered the trek route and/or prefers solitude (like if you want to meditate in the forest), trekking alone especially in an unfamiliar territory (like the rugged terrain of Nepal), is just plain stupid (not to mention, dangerous). (read more here)

Breathing Lessons

Trekker Gal
Trekker Gal
This is moi, exhausted but still smiling,as I trekked my way up to Nangi (read more here)

Video Days In Beni

First published Sept 12, 2005 at

Beni, Nepal — Kulu and Maita – both are Magars whose families live in Nangi Village, took me to the local bus station in Pokhara. (read more here)

Grrrl Power in Pokhara

The Guesthouse
The Guesthouse
I stayed at the Chettri Sisters’ Guesthouse in Pokhara (read more here)

Dizzy Dolly In Nepal

First published Sept 11, 2005 at

Pokhara, Nepal — It took me some time to update this blog as I was ill. (read more here)

Heavy Duty Baggage

First Published Sept. 11, 2005 at

Pokhara, Nepal —Most of the time I travel light, preferring to buy essentials like pocketbooks, t-shirts or toiletries in any country where I’m staying. Given the might of the Singapore dollar (1 SGD = 2.2 ringgit = 22 baht = 5,000 kips=41 Nepali rupees ), I can easily stretch my budget without having to suffer from a backache or shoulder ache. As much as possible, especially now that I’m living a nomadic lifestyle (I spend most of my time in transit-waiting in airports, in bus stations), I really try to make my backpack weigh less than 15 kgs. (read more here)

Temple Tour

First Published September 8,2005 at

Kathmandu — Despite the hot and dry weather (and the fact that I can’t wear shorts and spaghetti straps in this conservative country) and my dizziness (side effect of the anti-malaria tablets that I ingested), I still managed to take a tour around the Kathmandu Valley, visiting some of Nepal’s most important temples from September 6 to 8. I guess, the fact that I had a tour guide and a chaffeur helped (thank you so much to my Thamel-based travel agent Bishnu Subedi). (read more here)

Mega Nepal Mall

First Published September 5,2005 at

Sadhu for Sale
Sadhu for Sale
I have to pay 50 rupees just so this sadhu will pose for me. What can I say? In a capitalist world, everything’s for sale. (read more here)