Archive for Q & A

Q & A: Ecopreneur Darlene del Mundo talks about green travel

Darlene del Mundo is the Manila-based ecopreneur behind By Nature Handmande Soaps – a line of handmade soaps made from natural ingredients including olive oil, honey, herbs and spices. By Nature soaps have drawn a cult following among Filipina consumers, lured not only by its benefits (consumers rave that using By Nature soaps cured their skin allergies) but also by its “Go Green , Go Natural” ethic. The ten year old solo venture has since expanded, with Darlene making and selling other natural skin products such as lip balm, sunblock lotion and body moisturizer. (read more here)

Q & A: Janet De Neefe talks about the Ubud Writers Festival

interview by: Prime Sarmiento

Janet de Neefe is the founder and festival director of the Ubud Writers and Readers Festival, an annual literary festival held every October in Bali, Indonesia. (read more here)

Q and A: Stephanie Lee

interview by Prime Sarmiento

Stephanie Lee is the author of Art of Solo Travel: A Girl’s Guide. This book is perhaps the ultimate guide for women who prefer and enjoy to travel on their own.
In 2008, after six years of full-time work, Stephanie caught the travel bug and left everything behind to embark on a solo open-ended journey which took her all around the world.
The thirty-something Stephanie has lived in three different countries. She was born in Malaysia,spent her teenage years in the U.S. and is now working as an architect in Sydney. She still travels and contributes articles to Indie Travel Podcast.
Stephanie has traveled extensively in Europe. In this interview with Gypsygals Tales, Stephanie discusses why and how solo female travel gals can enjoy roaming around Europe.
(read more here)