Posts Tagged ‘intramuros’

Christmas Reflections: A Well-Traveled Life

posted by: Prime Sarmiento

Christmas is a time for reflection, to express gratitude for all the blessings that came my way; to honor the lessons from the trials that tested my strength. (read more here)

Visita Iglesia 2010: A short tour of some of Manila’s historic churches

posted by: Prime Sarmiento

Growing up in a devout Catholic family means spending a lot of time hearing mass in any place where there’s a Catholic church. And in a predominantly Catholic Philippines, that’s very easy as Filipinos don’t only go to church on Sundays- the traditional day of obligation. For people like my mother, every day is church day, with each day dedicated to a specific church (i.e. Wednesdays are devoted to Baclaran, to say the novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help, while Friday means a trip to Quiapo to pay homage to the Black Nazarene. (read more here)